Climate Resilience, At A Glance

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated in its report published in October 2018 that the average temperature of the earth's surface has increased by up to 1°C compared to pre-industrial times (in 1750-1850). That number continues to increase by around 0.2°C every decade. If left unchecked, the earth's temperature rise will cross the 1.5°C mark between 2030 and 2052. The scientists involved in compiling this report reveal that if the earth's temperature rises above 1.5°C, there will be more global ecosystem damage. significant. The people of the earth will feel the impact irreparably even if the temperature is successfully brought back to 1.5°C.

Not only environmental damage, the increase in the earth's temperature also has an impact on the social and economic aspects of the world community. According to the IPCC report, global warming and climate change can exacerbate poverty rates on earth and exacerbate global economic disparities. The report also notes that the most dangerous impact is expected to be felt by people living in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.

Climate change is unavoidable, but the risks to human life and other creatures on earth can be minimized. One of them is by ensuring that all parties, both government and society, have climate resilience, namely the ability to deal with climate change. The Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID) believes that climate resilience is essential to allow all stakeholders to address the impacts of climate change.

Mainstreaming climate adaptation and mitigation actions in all sectors and aspects of our life will help us acquiring climate resilience. For example, to ensure food security, farmers have begun to adjust planting times to the first rainy season and plant varieties of food crops that are resistant to extreme temperatures. While at the same time, the government provides support by improving the irrigation system to be more effective in preserving water resources during the long dry season. In addition, in the energy sector for instance, society must start transitioning from fossil fuel-based energy to renewable energy. 

According to the IPCC, participatory and integrated mitigation and adaptation actions will allow a rapid and systemic transition and limit the increase of the earth's temperature to 1.5°C. To ensure its effectiveness, broaden its impacts, and to be able to achieve climate resilience, stakeholders need to align their climate actions with economic growth and sustainable development efforts.