

The Possible Loss and Damage due to Climate Change Impacts to Indonesia’s Food Security

Aug 23, 2024Dampak perubahan iklim semakin dirasakan dewasa ini di seluruh bagian dunia. Dampak-dampak tersebut cenderung muncul secara perlahan, bersifat irreversible, di mana intensitas dan

Anindya Novianti Putri – Staf Advokasi Kebijakan Junior

Anindya bergabung di Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID) sebagai Staf Advokasi Kebijakan Junior pada tahun 2024. Sebelumnya, Anindya telah berkontribusi di IRID sebagai Climate Diplomacy Intern selama 6 bulan dengan berfokus pada pengerjaan isu Loss and Damage. Anindya juga berpengalaman sebagai intern di United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) selama 4 bulan. 

Anindya merupakan lulusan Universitas Brawijaya pada tahun 2022 dengan jurusan Hubungan Internasional dan minat studi International Security and Peace. Selama berkuliah, Anindya aktif pada Himpunan Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional Universitas Brawijaya sebagai Staff of Social Affairs pada tahun 2019 dan Bendahara Umum pada tahun 2020. 

Anindya merupakan awardee dari Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) 2021 dan mengikuti student exchange ke University of Warsaw, Poland selama satu semester. Selain itu, Anindya juga merupakan salah satu delegasi dari Universitas Brawijaya dalam Festival Kampus Merdeka sebagai salah satu side event G20 di Bali pada tahun 2022.

Hardhana Dinaring Danastri – Staf Advokasi Kebijakan Junior

Hardhana bergabung di Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID) sebagai Staf Advokasi Kebijakan Junior pada tahun 2024. Sebelumnya Hardhana telah menjadi bagian dari IRID sebagai intern pada tahun 2023 dan mengerjakan isu transisi berkeadilan (just transition). Hardhana memiliki ketertarikan dalam studi energi dan pembangunan internasional.

Sebelumnya, Hardhana berpengalaman sebagai assistant analyst di Center for ASEAN Energy Research Universitas Pertamina. Ia terlibat secara aktif dalam penelitian analisis risiko sosial dari investasi energi di beberapa negara melalui kolaborasi dengan Investor Relation PT. PERTAMINA (Persero). Selain itu, Hardhana pernah menjadi relawan dalam organisasi Generasi Pandu Inklusi Nusantara (PINTAR), organisasi orang muda yang berkerak di bidang inklusi sosial.

Hardhana meraih gelar Sarjana Hubungan Internasional dari Universitas Pertamina dengan fokus studi Diplomasi Energi. Selama karir akademiknya, Hardhana menjadi salah satu penerima Beasiswa SOBAT BUMI dari Pertamina Foundation.

Anindya Novianti Putri

Intern – Loss and Damage

Anindya bergabung di Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization sebagai Climate Diplomacy Intern selama 6 bulan dengan fokus pada isu Loss and Damage. Sebelum bergabung dengan IRID, Anindya merupakan intern di United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) selama 4 bulan.

Anindya merupakan lulusan Universitas Brawijaya pada tahun 2022 dengan jurusan Hubungan Internasional dan minat studi International Security and Peace. Selama berkuliah, Anindya aktif pada Himpunan Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional Universitas Brawijaya sebagai Staff of Social Affairs pada tahun 2019 dan Bendahara Umum pada tahun 2020.

Anindya merupakan awardee dari Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) 2021 dan mengikuti pertukaran pelajar ke University of Warsaw, Polandia, selama satu semester. Selain itu, Anindya juga merupakan salah satu delegasi dari Universitas Brawijaya dalam Festival Kampus Merdeka sebagai salah satu side event G20 di Bali pada tahun 2022.

LinkedIn Profile : Anindya Novianti Putri

Periode Intership : September 2023 – Februari 2024


Intern – Pasal 6 Persetujuan Paris

Kurniawan, memiliki latar belakang Ilmu Fisika, bergabung bersama Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID) sebagai Climate Diplomacy Intern sejak September 2023 hingga Februari 2024. Kurniawan mengerjakan isu terkait Pasal 6 Persetujuan Paris yang berkaitan erat dengan transfer hasil mitigasi yang dilakukan secara internasional maupun domestik, termasuk perdagangan karbon.

Kurniawan juga merupakan founder dari Koperasi Multi Pihak Tata Insan Mulia, yang didirikan di Yogyakarta pada Oktober 2022, yang bergerak pada jasa perbaikan lingkungan dan konsultasi manajemen energi. Dia memiliki ketertarikan pada isu yang berkaitan dengan carbon pricing and energy modelling.

LinkedIn Profile : Kurniawan kurniawan

Periode Intership : September 2023 – Februari 2024

Hardhana Dinaring Danastri

Intern – Just Transition/Just Transition Work Programme

Hardhana bergabung bagian dari Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization sebagai Climate Diplomacy Intern pada tahun 2023, mengerjakan isu transisi berkeadilan (Just Transition). Hardhana memiliki ketertarikan dalam studi energi dan pembangunan internasional.

Sebelum bergabung dengan IRID, merupakan Assistant Analyst di Center for ASEAN Energy Research Universitas Pertamina. Ia terlibat secara aktif dalam penelitian analisis risiko sosial dari investasi energi di beberapa negara melalui kolaborasi dengan Investor Relation PT. PERTAMINA (Persero). Selain itu, Hardhana pernah menjadi relawan dalam organisasi Generasi Pandu Inklusi Nusantara (PINTAR), organisasi orang muda yang bergerak di bidang inklusi sosial.

Hardhana meraih gelar S1 Hubungan Internasional dari Universitas Pertamina dengan fokus studi Diplomasi Energi. Selama karir akademiknya, Hardhana menjadi salah satu penerima Beasiswa SOBAT BUMI dari Pertamina Foundation.

LinkedIn Profile : Hardhana Danastri

Periode Intership : September 2023 – Februari 2024

Puti Ayla Zafira A

Intern – Global Stocktake & Climate Finance

Ayla mulai bergabung di Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID) sebagai intern on climate diplomacy sejak September 2023 sampai dengan Januari 2024. Selama di IRID, Ayla berfokus dalam mengerjakan isu terkait Global Stocktake (GST) dan Pendanaan Iklim (Climate Finance).

Sebelum bergabung dengan IRID, Ayla menyelesaikan studi dan menyandang gelar Cum Laude di Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Padjadjaran, dengan fokus penelitian pada peran CBDR-RC dalam Paris Agreement. Selama berkuliah, Ayla memiliki ketertarikan khusus pada penelitian seputar hukum internasional, hukum perjanjian internasional, dan hukum lingkungan internasional.

Ketertarikan Ayla pada isu lingkungan internasional mendorongnya dalam berbagai kegiatan terkait. Salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan magang di Direktorat Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Lingkungan Hidup, Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia. Di samping itu, Ayla juga menjadi salah satu Trainee dalam program Climate Reality Leadership Corps yang diselenggarakan oleh the Climate Reality Project.

LinkedIn Profile: Puti Ayla Zafira Adriansyah

Periode Intership : September 2023 – Februari 2024

Salman Al Farisi - Board Member

Ambassador Salman Al Farisi joined Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID) as a Board member in 2023. He is currently serving as a Secretariat General of Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA). He is also the former Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia for the Republic of South Africa (2018-2022) and former Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia for the United Arab Emirates (2012-2016).

Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro – Chair of Board

Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro has been active as the Chair of the Board of the Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID) since 2023. He is the former Minister of Research and Technology (October 2019 – April 2021), former Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas (July 2016 – October 2019), and also former Minister of Finance (October 2014 - July 2016).

He also served as the Deputy Minister of Finance (October 2009 - October 2014) and as a member of the Green Climate Fund Board. Now he serves as a Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Indonesia.

Halimah – Staf Komunikasi

Halimah joined IRID in 2023 as a Communications Officer and is responsible for supporting the communications team in developing and implementing communications strategies for external and internal audiences. Halimah has experience in content creation, translation, writing, as well as social media for more than 3 years.

Prior to this, Halimah worked at one of Indonesian media startups operating in the education sector and several other online media as a content writer and editor. Halimah also participated in the Jakarta Post's Writer Series as a volunteer. online lainnya. Halimah juga pernah terlibat aktif sebagai relawan untuk acara Writer Series yang diadakan oleh the Jakarta Post.

Halimah holds a Master's degree in MA International Public Relations and Global Communication Management at Cardiff University and a Bachelor's degree in English Studies, Universitas Indonesia. International Public Relations and Global Communication Management di Cardiff University dan gelar Sarjana di bidang Studi Inggris, Universitas Indonesia.

Faisol Amir - Researcher

Faisol joined the Indonesia Research Institute of Decarbonization (IRID) as a researcher in 2023. He has experience in sustainable agriculture for over five years. His research interest focuses on Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG), sustainable agriculture, politics, food security, and sustainable development. Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG), pertanian berkelanjutan, politik pangan, dan pembangunan berkelanjutan.

Prior to joining IRID, Faisol was a young researcher in Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) with focus of study in food security advocacy and agriculture. Faisol previously worked in an oil palm company (Sinarmas Agribusiness and Food) as a Sustainability Assessment Officer and was in charge of the social studies in relation to compliance. Sustainability Assessment Officer dan bertanggungjawab pada studi-studi sosial pemenuhan compliance.

Faisol gained his masters in Environmental Advocacy in Wageningen University, Netherlands, and his Bachelor's in Social Development and Welfare in Universitas Gadjah Mada- Jogjakarta.

Yoppy Endano - Finance Manager

As Finance Manager, Yoppy is managing grant for various activities under Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID). He is responsible in developing financial reports for IRID aiming for various groups.

Yoppy has 10 years of experiences in finance in NGO where he started working in one of the international environmental NGOs in Indonesia. Before joining IRID, Yoppy worked as independent finance consultant to manage budget, especially in developing finance and administrative system for NGO.

Yoppy holds Master of Management from Universitas Mercubuana.

Esti Bertintya – Staf Operasional

Esti has 20 years of experience in management, administration and marketing. As Operational Officer, Esti is responsible for managing all operational activities at IRID and ensuring that each activity runs smoothly.  
Before joining IRID, Esti worked as a Project Manager for Think20 Indonesia, part of the G20 Engagement Groups, which is managed by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) where she supported the Think20 Executive Secretariat in planning and implementing Think20 activities. She also has experience in managing various conferences at national and international levels. 
From 2016 to 2018, Esti worked for the Indonesia Infrastructure Support (INIS) Trust Fund Grant TF0A04005, a collaborative project between the World Bank and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM). She obtained a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indonesia.

Maria Putri Adianti – Staf Komunikasi

Maria joined the Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID) in early 2023 and became part of the communications team. She supports the amplifying of decarbonization efforts by IRID, mainly through social media and websites.  

Previously, Maria had worked in external communication and social media management for a think tank in Indonesia focusing on climate change and climate resilience. She has a deep interest in the field of international communication.

Maria holds a Bachelor of International Relations degree from Parahyangan Catholic University and is currently an active member of the Australian-Indonesian Youth Association (AIYA). Between 2018 and 2022, she actively participated in several international events such as the B20 Summit Indonesia 2022, the AIESEC Program "Education Quality: World Without Borders" in Kharkiv, Ukraine, and the 2018 Asian Games, where she volunteered.

Virtual Card

Sandra Juliana Tobing – Staf Administrasi-Keuangan

Sandra memiliki pengalaman lebih dari tujuh tahun di bidang administrasi pada beberapa perusahaan swasta di Indonesia. Setelah beralih dari Staf Keuangan menjadi Staf Operasional di Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID),  Sandra mengorganisir dan memantau semua kegiatan dan proyek yang dilakukan IRID agar dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan baik dari sisi administratif, sesuai dengan tujuan utama lembaga. 

Sandra's career in administration began in 2010 when she worked with PT. Jalan Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE), a leading shipping company in Indonesia, as part of their social media management team. Additionally, Sandra has also led the Administration and Project Events team, where she was first introduced to organizing activities under the non-profit sector.

Sandra holds a bachelor's degree in international relations from the Jakarta Institute of Social and Political Sciences (IISIP).  

Dita Ramadhani – Communication Specialist

As a Communication Specialist, Dita manages all communication activities to amplify decarbonization efforts undertaken by the Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID). She is also responsible for “translating” the analysis and studies produced by IRID for various audiences and into various products.

With over 12 years of experience in communications, Dita began working on environmental issues in 2008 when she worked with one of the largest environmental international NGOs in Indonesia, focusing particularly on projects related to sustainable wood-based supply chains, payment for environmental services, sustainable forest management, and management of habitats for endangered species in natural forest concessions.

Before joining IRID, Dita worked as an independent communications consultant for various clients and projects. Her primary responsibilities included developing communication strategy documents, external communication guidelines, report writing, publications, and social media for issues such as sustainable finance, marine and fisheries, and peat restoration.  

Dita earned a Master of Arts degree in Marketing Communications from the LSPR Communication and Business Institute and a Bachelor of Social Sciences in Mass Communication (journalism) from the Universitas Indonesia.

Julia Theresya – Staf Advokasi Kebijakan

Julia has more than seven years of experience managing and implementing projects. As a Policy Advocacy Officer at the Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID), Julia is actively involved in designing, implementing, as well as monitoring and evaluating the projects. She is also contribute to the policy research related with IRID's core issues and building network with other stakeholders.

Prior to joining IRID, Julia worked at the Institute for Research and Community Service at Bogor Agricultural University (LPPM IPB), where she managed grant projects related to integrated agriculture, good agricultural practices, and disaster management. From 2018 to early 2022, Julia worked on several sustainable projects related to food, green society, and renewable energy at Hivos, including the EU SWITCH ASIA Local Harvest program.

Julia obtained her master's in Disaster Management from Indonesia Defense University (Unhan RI) in 2018, while actively contributed as a Researcher and Project Associate at the Indonesia Defense University (Unhan RI) Center for Disaster Studies. Her experiences have instilled in her a keen interest in research on disasters and loss and damage caused by the impact of climate change.

Ajeng Rachmatika - Researcher

In 2022, Ajeng became researcher at the Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID), drawing from over a decade of experience in climate change issues. She began her career as a technical staff for the Working Group on Climate Funding at the National Climate Change Council (DNPI) in 2011, and later served as Deputy Assistant of the Special Envoy to the President on Climate Change Control, specializing in climate finance. Between 2017 and 2019, Ajeng played an active role in climate finance negotiations for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 

Before joining IRID, Ajeng worked as a consultant for GIZ/Center for Climate Change and Multilateral Policy, Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. She also contributed to green finance studies on the energy sector in Indonesia, under the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and supported by the World Resources Institute (WRI).  

Ajeng holds a master's degree in international relations from the Universitas Indonesia. Her research interests include climate finance, gender, youth, and climate change.

Ajeng memperoleh gelar Magister untuk Hubungan Internasional dari Universitas Indonesia. Dia tertarik pada penelitian-penelitian seputar pendanaan iklim, gender, youth dan perubahan iklim.  

Henriette Imelda - Policy Advocacy Director

Imelda is responsible for leading policy advocacy affairs at the Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID), which aims to promote the decarbonization agenda at the national level. In this role, Imelda ensures that all policy advocacy efforts involve relevant stakeholders, from policy makers to civil society organizations.  

For more than 15 years of experience, Imelda has been working on issues related to climate change mitigation, energy, and low carbon development. She has been part of the Indonesian Delegation for climate negotiations, particularly in discussions on climate finance since COP20 in Lima, Peru, as well as negotiations related to the Paris Agreement. Prior assuming the role of Director of Policy Advocacy and IRID’s co-founder, Imelda worked as an Advisor on Low Carbon Development with GIZ Indonesia, ASEAN & Timor Leste. Advisor on Low Carbon Development bersama GIZ Indonesia, ASEAN & Timor Leste.  

Since 2013, Imelda has been actively involved in discussions on climate finance, particularly the Green Climate Fund (GCF), through the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) climate funding expert consortium. Imelda holds a Professional Doctor in Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Twente, as well as a Master of Engineering from the University of Groningen.

Andri Akbar Marthen – Research Director

Andri leads research department at the Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID). With over 20 years of experience in the legal field, he has worked as a corporate lawyer at law firms in Indonesia and the United States, as well as served as a legal advisor on environmental issues and climate change for various international organizations. On multiple occasions, he has participated as member of the Indonesian Delegation in climate negotiations, primarily focused on legal discussions and international agreements compliance on climate change.  

Andri is recognized as a legal expert regarding payment for environmental services (PES) and financing projects related to climate change in Indonesia. He has served as a legal advisor to the Government of Indonesia in the developing of the REDD+ financing mechanism. Additionally, Andri has contributed to the development of various regulations in multiple ministries in Indonesia, such as those related to carbon pricing, and was involved in the revision of Energy Law Number 30 of 2007, which was initiated by the Regional Representatives Council of the Republic of Indonesia.

Andri earned master's degree on International Environmental Law and Policy from the University of Kent, UK and a PhD in Environmental Law from Pace University, USA.

Moekti Handajani (Kuki) Soejachmoen - Executive Director

Moekti Handajani Soejachmoen (Kuki Soejachmoen) is Co-Founder and the current Executive Director of Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID). Kuki has been working in climate change related issues since the early 1990s when she worked on the Final Paper for her bachelor’s degree at Department of Environmental Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung. Her involvement started with climate science and climate modelling before she got involved in policy analysis and policy advocacy as well as international climate diplomacy and negotiation.

Starting her career as a Researcher at the Center for Research on Energy ITB until mid-2000, she then joined Yayasan Pelangi Indonesia until mid-2010 when she finished her tenure as its Executive Director. She became the Special Assistant to the Indonesia President’s Special Envoy for Climate Change for the period 2010-2019. In December 2020, Kuki with three other co-founders established IRID, where she has been the Executive Director since then.

Her involvement in international climate diplomacy and negotiations started in 2000 as part of the Climate Action Network International by lobbying parties under the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC). She joint the Indonesian Delegation since COP13/CMP3 in Bali in 2007 until COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh in 2022.